

  KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT Study the nature of your government to reveal the hidden truth that it is not God's government but Satan's... run through the tribe of Esau who seized Babylon from Nimrod and from thereon continued to rule the nations as the secret Babylon the Great system of this world (Vatican), thereby the tribe of Esau (Romans, Italians, etc.) have their survival, livelihood and wealth thru this huge global business called church and government, two of his main get-rich-quick schemes to, as Isaiah 47:12, says, "profit" (hence, wealth acquisition) and "to prevail" hence, superior power ... you need to know this truth so that, although militant revolution, murder and revenge is forbidden by God, you will the more fervently pray, "Our Father... Thy kingdom (government) come, Thy will (and laws) be done on Earth as it is in heaven"! and work together to reform and suit secular government to the will of God, that is


THE LESSON FROM THE RAPE CASE OF BRO ELI SORIANO Cis, You presented a good point to consider: A young man like Ptuo (Daniel Veridiano) could easily physically prevent the rape attempted by an asthmatic man Eli Soriano who was 54 years old in 2001, the year the alleged rape was committed. But there are other powers that can neutralize any physical resistance such as superior mental power of a boss (see Appendix A) or the power to change the mind of the would-be victim through bribery such as done to countless of poor women, men and children throughout history who laid down their initial resistance upon hearing an offer and succumbed to the temptation, that is, submitted themselves willingly, putting aside their initial opposition, for the sake of some offered advantage the victim came to realize. So it was either with consent or initially tesisted but eventually Soriano’s superior authority overcome the physical strenght and initial moral resistance of Mr. Veridiano. So in